This week we highlight the people who make Prairie so special –– our teachers.

Dr. Michael Boticki, Ph.D.
School Psychologist

The learning can be challenging enough.

Add in extracurriculars and self-discovery and relationship-building, all of it unfolding within the confines of an increasingly digital world that can distract and intimidate as much as it connects and enlightens, and it’s easy to see – kids these days have a lot to deal with.

“These are complex and trying times to be growing up,” says Dr. Nat Coffman, Head of School. “From peer pressure to social media, kids face an incredible amount of adversity. Dr. Mike has been instrumental in helping not only our students – but our families – handle these complex mental health challenges.”

School psychologist Mike Boticki, Ph.D, started at Prairie in the fall of 2017. Prior to his arrival, he was the Executive Director at National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Racine County.

Both affable and easygoing (and often on the go), Dr. Mike works with students and families across Primary, Middle, and Upper School.

We caught up with him recently to get his feelings on his first year at Prairie.

How is TPS different from other schools?
“I have never been a part of a school that dedicates so much time to communication and collaboration on behalf of our students and families. This multi-disciplinary team approach benefits our children as well as our faculty as we all strive to become our best selves. Strategy shares, SEED, team advisory meetings and other forums are intentionally scheduled to ensure that the Prairie community is well rounded in our goal to develop future leaders.”  

What is your favorite part about each day at TPS?
“The opportunity to work with students from 3 – 18 years old is amazing. This emphasizes growth and development in its truest sense. In addition, the fact that so many families partner in their children’s experience is a definite positive. Simply, when educators, families and supports work in the same direction, great things happen.”  

Did You Know: Prairie’s COMPASS Program is composed of learning specialists and academic support teachers dedicated to working with students and families to identify learning strengths and challenges, encourage self-advocacy, and ensure overall success.